Clean Your House In Less Time

Ready for some quick tips on how to clean your house in less time? Read on!

How Can I Clean My House Quickly?

The key is to have everything you need at hand. That’s why the professionals wear aprons with pockets and loops. Others use caddy’s full of cleaning products. The bottom line is to figure out what you need for cleaning and put it together in a kit.

You could easily use a gardening apron or a carpenter’s apron if you are looking for the apron.

What Should You Carry

At this point, you need to ask yourself if you’re going to be more green in your cleaning or efficient in your cleaning. And it also depends upon what you have in your household.  Some people recommend using newspapers for cleaning windows and mirrors. It’s a great way to use resources you already have. However, if you don’t get a newspaper, this isn’t good advice.

If you don’t like the idea of using paper towels, I’d recommend investing in reusable cloths. I get a pack of three from Trader Joe’s and they last forever. The ones I get are like felt.  You can also purchase microfiber cloths. They are the best dusting tool for all surfaces.

So what should you carry?

  • Glass cleaner
  • Surface cleaner (like Formula 409)
  • Powder Cleanser (like Bon Ami or Comet) or Liquid cleanser(like Scrubbing Bubbles)
  • Toilet Cleaner if you use it. I just use Ajax powder cleanser

Set Up A Routine

If you stay on top of cleaning, then it’s much faster to do. You won’t have as much mildew or soap scum to scrub. If you want to keep it short, maybe clean one bathroom one day and the other bathroom another day. Then you can vacuum one part of the house and rotate with other cleaning skills.

Then come up with a routine for actually cleaning. For example, I put the cleanser in the toilet and scrub it. Then I let it sit to disinfect while I wash the shower and then the sinks. Then I can go back to finishing up the toilet.

Some other tips:

  • Move in one direction as you dust and clean and move clockwise around the room so you get everything.
  • Vacuum after you’ve dusted so you can get everything.
  • Vacuum or sweep the hard floors before mopping (if needed)

Make It More Fun

I listen to audiobooks using my Audible app so I don’t think about how much I hate cleaning toilets. Get other family members involved. Set a timer and play “Beat the Clock.”  The key is to find a way to make cleaning chores simple and easy to do so that you do them regularly.

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